Economic Profiles

Economic Development & Investment Support
Municipal Planning Documents
Emerson-Franklin Development Plan
The Development Plan provides a framework of goals, objectives, and policies for management and use of land, along with its future development, within the Emerson-Franklin municipal boundaries.
Provincial Planning
Manitoba Provincial Land Use Planning Regulation
The Provincial Land Use Policies reflect the Manitoba government’s interest in land and resource use and sustainable development, and provides policy direction for land use planning.
Manitoba Provincial Planning Act
The purpose of this legislation is to provide a community planning framework for Manitoba that promotes economic growth, environmental sustainability, social and cultural development, and sustainable communities.
Municipal Strategic Plan 2022-2023
Our Municipal Strategic Plan is a roadmap for embracing a collective vision that is based on the needs, values and community strengths.
Emerson-Franklin Community Development Corporation Strategic Plan 2.0
The CDC's mission is to to encourage, attract and promote business, jobs, and education to enhance our community. Our Strategic Plan outline three economic pillars with a set of corresponding action items and outcomes.
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Emerson Port Authority Concept
The Emerson Pembina Port Authority Concept is a similar Port Authority concept as found with Airports and other Ports of Entry (ie. bridge and marine), which would create a new and sustainable source of capital for infrastructure improvements to efficiently move commercial goods into North Dakota – USA.
Multi-Phase Hwy 201 Road Improvement
This report validates the need for improvements to Highway (HWY) 201 that will aid economic development for the Province of Manitoba and the communities of Emerson-Franklin, Piney and Stuartburn.
Strategy & Policy
A Made-in-Manitoba Climate and Green Plan
Manitoba's bold climate vision is to become Canada's cleanest, greenest, and most climate resilient province.
Climate Action & Sustainability
Reports & Publications

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